Cesar Chavez Academy
2450 Ralmar Avenue
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
8th Grade Language Arts 2011-2012
Jimmy Bui M.A.
(650) 329-6700 ext. 63125 (school)
Course Description:
In this course, the class will explore the development of the English language through reading and writing at the 8th grade level. We will read contemporary literature, nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and plays and construct some responses. This class will place heavy emphasis on writing that is related to the readings and real life situations.
Course Objectives:
Attendance and punctuality are essential to this class. Unexcused tardiness after class has started is a distraction to the learning of all students. Students who are late will log their tardiness into the designated binder. Habitual tardiness will result in an intervention and conference with the administration and parents. Those students who arrive after 9:00 AM to class is considered legally truant. Those who continue to be truant may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for appropriate action.
Active Participation:
Active participation is defined as sharing, questions, concerns, constructive feedback, support, ideas, and resources. Active participation includes being attentive, self-motivated, respectful, independent, responsible, and prepared.
Academic Honesty:
Cesar Chavez Academy, Ravenswood City School District, and Mr. Bui expect all students to be honest in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is viewed as an ethical issue and a violation of the principles of personal responsibilities. Students must refrain from plagiarism and cheating. In the event of academic dishonesty in class assignments or examinations, I will assign an “F” for that assignment or examination with no possibilities of making up the grade by means of additional work.
Dress Code:
Students at Cesar Chavez Academy are expected to come to class in the proper attire. Those who are not will be sent to the office to either purchase the clothes or to call their parents to bring them their attire. Students will not be allowed back into the classroom until the issue is resolve. Students should refer to the student handbook provided to them for further detail.
All homework and projects will be posted on the white board and online
Late Assignments:
Late assignments will only be accepted with prior written approval from me.
Electronic Devices:
Use of any electronic device(s) or tool when not permitted is not accepted and will be confiscated by the instructor until the end of the day for the first infraction. All digital communication devices (cell phones, texting/sms device, video, etc.) will be asked to be turned off.
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Cesar Chavez Academy
2450 Ralmar Avenue
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
8th Grade Language Arts 2011-2012
Jimmy Bui M.A.
(650) 329-6700 ext. 63125 (school)
Course Description:
In this course, the class will explore the development of the English language through reading and writing at the 8th grade level. We will read contemporary literature, nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and plays and construct some responses. This class will place heavy emphasis on writing that is related to the readings and real life situations.
Course Objectives:
- At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
- Study and use idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes in the correct context
- Analyze, compare, and contrast written literature to self, other text, and world events
- Summarize any form of reading through verbal or written communication
- Determine the purpose of each writing genre
- Define and demonstrate expertise in the elements of a plot
- Identify significant literary devices (symbolism, irony, dialect, etc.)
- Create organized researched based compositions that have a coherent thesis, and end with a clear and well-supported conclusion.
- Research and are able to discriminate between primary and secondary sources.
Attendance and punctuality are essential to this class. Unexcused tardiness after class has started is a distraction to the learning of all students. Students who are late will log their tardiness into the designated binder. Habitual tardiness will result in an intervention and conference with the administration and parents. Those students who arrive after 9:00 AM to class is considered legally truant. Those who continue to be truant may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for appropriate action.
Active Participation:
Active participation is defined as sharing, questions, concerns, constructive feedback, support, ideas, and resources. Active participation includes being attentive, self-motivated, respectful, independent, responsible, and prepared.
Academic Honesty:
Cesar Chavez Academy, Ravenswood City School District, and Mr. Bui expect all students to be honest in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is viewed as an ethical issue and a violation of the principles of personal responsibilities. Students must refrain from plagiarism and cheating. In the event of academic dishonesty in class assignments or examinations, I will assign an “F” for that assignment or examination with no possibilities of making up the grade by means of additional work.
Dress Code:
Students at Cesar Chavez Academy are expected to come to class in the proper attire. Those who are not will be sent to the office to either purchase the clothes or to call their parents to bring them their attire. Students will not be allowed back into the classroom until the issue is resolve. Students should refer to the student handbook provided to them for further detail.
All homework and projects will be posted on the white board and online
Late Assignments:
Late assignments will only be accepted with prior written approval from me.
Electronic Devices:
Use of any electronic device(s) or tool when not permitted is not accepted and will be confiscated by the instructor until the end of the day for the first infraction. All digital communication devices (cell phones, texting/sms device, video, etc.) will be asked to be turned off.
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.